New Boston TX Chamber of Commerce

Job Fair 2024 Recap

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Job Fair 2024 Recap gives some insight as to how great this event was. We had awesome employers and job seekers - a Win-Win for all. Amazing turnout actually. We had 72 possible applicants show up for our first ever Job Fair. All the employers were happy too. It was held at the Community Center within the City Hall building on Oct 15, 2024 from 4 till 7 pm.

Job Seekers
Job Hunters

Job Fair 2024 Recap Crowd

Job Fair Crowd

Job Fair Crowd

Job Fair Crowd

Job Fair Crowd

The Heroes - The Employers!!

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers
Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Job Fair Employers

Thanks to Boston General Deli for providing awesome Meals for the Employers

Boston General Store & Deli

Thanks everyone - it was a huge success!

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